The Only 3 Rules of Yoga Practice

The only things that you want to follow to be able to progress in Yoga are really quite straightforward. They’re at the base of Yoga science, also, once followed will probably turn into the criteria of your lifetime. I’m basing these on my expertise, study, and communicating with my yoga teachers. I’m rather confident that there is little more to perform in Yoga besides those fundamentals.

1. Exercise frequently.

This is definitely the most essential feature of Yoga – balancing. Yoga was designed to be practiced frequently. If you do not exercise at least once per week there is very little advantage in your research. Please be aware that by training I do not mean doing asanas, but Yoga as a whole, for instance, intellectual and spiritual aspects.

2. Adopt a vegetarian diet.

Even though this might look to be a controversial issue for lots of individuals, countless years of experience reveal it is simpler to perform Yoga if not swallowing animal products. Your body feels lighter, your joints and muscles work better, and your head has no noise generated by creatures that are suffering. Evidently, you always have to ask your physician before changing diets.

3. Celebrate the”dos” and”don’ts” of Yoga – Yamas and Niyamas. All these are basic principles, which everybody should follow, not just Yoga professionals. Observing these”commandments” can make a massive influence on your own life and definitely enhance your practice.


o Ahimsa or non-violence. Non-violence means comprehension and practice of non-violence in actions, thought, and speech. Ahimsa urges compassion, love, understanding, patience, self-love, and value.

O Satya or truthfulness, According to Patanjali, Satya is: “To maintain harmony with thoughts, action, and word, to conduct mind and speech based on reality, to communicate through language and to keep it at the intellect what’s been observed, heard or understood.” A perfectly honest individual does and talks precisely about what he believes.

O Asteya or even non-stealing, Asteya is contrary to covetousness and jealousy. To practice, non-stealing one has to have a feeling of completeness and also self-sufficiency to advance beyond primal cravings.

O Brahmacharya or celibacy, Celibacy in almost any faith is thought to bring man nearer to the Divine. This Yama considers preventing all sensual delights, whether psychological, vocal, or physical.


O Shaucha or purity, This means internal and external purity. From the words of Manu, water purifies the entire body; truthfulness calms the brain; authentic knowledge cleans the wisdom and the spirit is purified by wisdom and austerity. Shaucha is all about intellectual purity, purity of language, and their body.

O Santosha or contentment, This niyama isn’t needing greater than that which you’ve earned by work. This condition of mind is all about preserving equanimity through all that life provides. Santosha involves appreciation and joyfulness-staying calm in any way costs. This condition of mind doesn’t rely on any external triggers.

O Tapa or austerity, Austerity, is described as the power to endure thirst and hunger, cold and warmth, distress, quiet, and fasts. A complete man is he who practices both psychological and physical austerity.

O Swadhyaya or self-education, Swadhyaya is made up of scriptural studies. The scripture being, the Vedas and Upanishads with the recitation of the Gayatri Mantra as well as the Om mantra.

O Ishwar-Pranidhan or meditation to the Divine, Ishwar-Pranidhan, is all about dedication of our activities to the Divine. The outcomes of such activities depend upon Divine choice.

For more detailed manuals and advice about this topic, please see Live Happy Water.
